Blog posts


A Meticulous But Practical Way To Finding Your Values And Goals

14 minute read


In today’s whirlwind of a world that’s constantly pushing us toward conformity, it’s easy to lose sight of the the things that define us. A constant and seemingly endless influx of ‘things to do,’ can leave us aimless and unsatisfied. Instead of pursuing the things that truly matter to us we end up wanting to do everything, which often means we end up doing nothing at all.


How To Read A Qualitative System Dynamics Model

6 minute read


Qualitative system dynamics models, a.k.a. qualitative maps, or causal loop diagrams (CLDs) are in my opinion the most effective way to really understand a system. Its holistic view enables us to uncover the dynamics that explain the why. Why it is so hard to change something, why something ends up spiralling out of control, why a solution that doesn’t address the problem directly can surprisingly be the most effective thing to do… It helps us see how things really work and look beyond how they appear to us.

The Impact of Switching Banks

8 minute read


If you’re someone who cares about the environment, you might already be taking steps to reduce your carbon footprint. Maybe you’ve switched to energy-efficient light bulbs or you are more conscious of your water usage. But there’s another way you can make a big impact without even changing your daily habits: switching your bank.


My Ph.D. - project description

7 minute read


During the recent COP27 of Sharm-el-Sheikh the need for finance in the energy transition was emphasized once again; we need 4 trillion dollars per year ($ until 2030 if we are to meet the 2050 CO2-targets.